Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 6, 2023

Feels weird to like this but it’s so beautifully written. There should be an emoji to kick something very hard that represents relentless bouts of medical intervention, disengaged insurance representatives, and the gaps in support for horrible side effects. My least favorite comment is, “Let’s just stay the course for now and see what happens.” I am really happy you can eat and sort of enjoy potato chips.

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The Bun video is much better with the sound turned up!

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Hi Leah, I haven't added a comment before or read through the previous comments that have been posted so I don't know if anyone as suggested trying Homeopathic medicine to treat some of your side effects of the cancer treatments. I have had some remarkable results from homeopathic treatments which have lasted 30+ years. Just a thought. I read what you have written sharing your challenging health journey, the nightmare insurance events, and the incredible side effects of your treatments....I am awed by strength. I send you love and healing energy.

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I do not like what I'm reading here. I'm glad you are writing about it. You're powering through a very challenging time right now. Thinking of you and here for you when you need!

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I love you ,Leah. I’m so sorry you are suffering through this part of your treatment. I hope and pray you find relief sooner rather than later and can take pleasure in the little things as often as you are able in the meantime. Feel free to Ping me in the middle of the night. I might be up! Sleep can escape me sometimes these days. If i am asleep my notifications are silenced automatically after 11 so you’ll never disturb me by trying.

Thank you so much for your card. It meant the world to me, even more-so now that Ive read what you’ve been going through. Hang in there Leah. I see you, lady.

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Leah, thank you for your honesty and willingness to let us in on some of your most vulnerable moments. I'm thinking about you and hoping for more moments of delight. Love you!

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Your suffering saddens me. Thanks for being honest about that, Leah. I hear you laughing, and then some days and evenings are quiet; my optimism and fears for you fluctuate like that, even while I think logically that sound vs. silence isn’t an indicator of your ups and downs. I’ll keep sending healing thoughts and energy your way. And hope.

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Thinking of you, Leah, and I'm here if you ever need anything. Please don't hesitate to reach out! It might not feel like it sometimes, but you are strong and steadfast. I see you working through the challenges with such grace and poise.

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Your friendship means the world to me, and I am so sorry that you are suffering right now. I'm sitting here wishing you to be infused with and wrapped in love now and always. I'm so glad you're writing about this and am awed by your vulnerability and courage. Love you so much!

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