That photo of you is so lovely. As heart wrenching and frustrating all you are enduring, you are still moving with resilience and providing incredibly helpful and insightful information for your readers. Your diligent research and beautiful writing gives me hope for a path forward. Thinking of you every day Leah! 💙

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Thank you, Betty! Glad we’re partners in recovery ❤️

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So happy to hear you are walking up to 60 minutes a day. That is such an improvement over the time I expect you were able to walk when we saw you 10 months ago!

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I remember that day you and Hong visited. So glad I’m not experiencing that back pain.

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Sep 7Liked by Leah P

You really are dealing with so much and yet you are continuing to look ahead to more possibilities to improve your situation and that is strength, pure and simple.

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Sep 7Liked by Leah P

I noticed your hair when you were outdoors this week. Nice! Your curls were a surprise. 😁

Also, since we rarely see each other, I’ve wondered about your health and appreciate the update; but I *hate* your chronic pain, seeds of happiness or not. Glad you’re able to walk for exercise and emotional benefit. You’re often in my thoughts, and I’ll not give up hope for a possible cure. You’re far too young and lovely for this suffering. 💙

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The curly hair is a whole look. This is such a nuanced update, and I finished reading this post with a feeling of hopefulness! Great to hear from you.

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Thanks, Alexandria! Today is a good day ❤️

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Sep 9Liked by Leah P

Amazing how your post just seem to come always at the perfect time. Thanks for being so open and honest beautiful. Holy caca you're able to walk 60 minutes a day. That's fantastic by the way. Now if only I could get as flexible as bun. Love you.

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Oh, and I forgot your hair is really beautiful. It's very very French. Quite elegant.

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I always wanted to be French

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Sep 10Liked by Leah P

I am so glad that this new drug from Eli Lilly may be starting to help the Colitis. Your words on finding more answers to improving your health and happiness are so inspiring. You are a true warrior on the many medical hurdles you have endured and always seem to find your North Star in dealing with it all.

Remember when you are feeling ready, I am taking you Prince Edward Island!

Sending lots of healing love your way!

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Thank you, Nancy!

Prince Edward Island sounds soooo delicious right now as we limp too slowly into fall weather. Having a hard time with upper 90s in mid September.

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