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Isn’t that the little scar from when Bun attacked?

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This story deserves two thumbs up!

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Leah P

Fingers crossed (get it? 🤪) the results are all you could hope for.

Life’s not fair. Thinking of you always.

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That’s a good reminder to get the doctor to harass the insurance when they deny something that so clearly matters. Glad to hear that news. ❤️ I agree with you on getting a pass on the other crap! Not fair.

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YES it’s so true about the importance of staying on top of things and getting the doctor to advocate for me with insurance. Insurance offers a lot of communication channels for me, but they haven’t been all that effective for things that really matter like this. Doctors have a more direct line in to change decisions. This system is so clunky and backwards! Good thing higher education prepared me for this job of navigating the bureaucracy of insurance. End of rant.

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Gotta hand it to ya your description of the surgery was a bit disarming but thumbs up on your recovery. Scott and I are hoping the surgeon nailed it and crossing our digits for a speedy recovery. I know I’m so mature.

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Author

Isn’t this getting a little out of hand? 😂

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The guitar player that Mike plays in the Gritland Band with just had the same surgery on his thumb last week. Wishing a speedy recovery on your thumb and I am so glad the insurance came thru for the authorization on more Immunotherapy!

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Thank you, Nancy -- Healing thoughts to Mike‘s bandmate, too.

I’ve been thinking about taking up piano again, was sad when the thumb clicking started, and now -- 4 days past surgery and feeling so much better -- I want to play for fun.

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