Feb 1, 2023Liked by Leah P

Thinking about our 2021 right now as I charge my phone using a portable generator that’s becoming steadily more unreliable.

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Animals can teach us so much-- like living in the moment??? Joey seems to be enjoying today. No memories of past trauma? I too am irrationally on edge from the SNOVID event of two years ago...

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Sometimes I think those animals have it made. Prefrontal cortexes are overrated.

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Leah P

Girl, I think we’ve all got PTSD from two years ago. If we lose power I’m gonna be the crazy woman on the 6 o’clock news with David Muir who got arrested because she camped out on the governors mansions front steps. I like buns attitude..

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Power is out here too. Last time, after two days we evacuated our daughter and her ball python to a house on a more fortunate part of the grid. This time, the daughter is off the college but the snake is still here with us. As soon as the power went out, I started boiling water to warm the python cage.

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Sending warm wishes. Do you have a generator? Our power hasn’t gone out this year _yet_

I’ve heard of at least one other location northwest of downtown where power was out earlier.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Leah P

No generator. We evacuated to a hotel this afternoon. Hoping to return to a warm house tomorrow.

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SNOVID perfectly captures that event along with the worst days of my cancer treatment. I had just completed chemotherapy followed by surgery. Although we only lost power for one night, we kept our house at a cold energy-conserving level. My 32 treatments of targeted radiation were postponed for over a month. I think about all the fallout for Texas and still count us fortunate. Still, it is forever etched in the fear centers of my brain and I wonder about unknown fallout in my treatment.

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I can’t even begin to imagine what you went through all at the same juggling cancer treatment amid SNOVID! The impact of stress on our bodies is real. We just haven figured out how to measure it with any precision. I look forward to the day when we all take the effect of stress on our bodies much more seriously.

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