Jan 30Liked by Leah P

You’ve reminded me of some important ideas, and I thank you. Also, I’m nearby and willing if there’s ever any way I can be helpful. You’re often in my thoughts, Leah.

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I have enjoyed the benefits of mindfulness in the past. Thanks for reminding me of the importance it. Authors on mindfulness I have enjoyed are Shunryu Suzuki, Dalai Lama, Sharon Salzberg, Jack Kornfield, Jon Kabat-Zinn and Thich Nat Hanh. I have especially enjoyed the writings of the Dalia Lama and Jon Kabat-Zinn.

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Thanks for these names! I’m familiar with some but not all. So nice that conversations about mindfulness are more mainstream these days.

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The connection between fear and a lack of mindfulness is so interesting to me. I haven't read Thich Nhat Hanh, but I am so curious to know if fear created an evolutionary tradeoff that led to a loss of mindfulness? Lots of animals have fear, but does Bun have to learn how to be present or is it instinctual for them (btw, what are Bun's pronouns)? I don't mean to trivialize your journey. I am so heartbroken that you are going through this and I am so grateful that you are sharing it with me. I'm just wondering why we humans are so bad at being present when it is clearly so beneficial to our mental and physical well-being? I love you, my friend. Praying for less pain.

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I’ve had similar thoughts. Maybe it’s the complexity of human life that presents a difficult conundrum. We have so many options and distractions. The option of just sitting is not very attractive in comparison to shiny, loud and new. It seems as though our brains are unable to handle the complexity well if we’re just on autopilot.

Regarding Bun: she definitely has a memory and will hold a grudge if she feels slighted. So she’s not residing in the present 24/7. Her grudges don’t last as long as mine, though. I doubt she experiences sleeplessness due to a grudge! Yesterday Chris cut up a banana (a favorite treat of Bun’s) and didn’t offer any to Bun. She exited the kitchen with a thump and sat with her backside to me for a short while. Don’t want to make fun of her … but she’s pretty cute even when she’s mad.

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Jan 31Liked by Leah P

Just shared this entry with myself to ensure it is accessible daily alleviating the need to search/scroll. Thank you for sharing your practice. And of course, Leah I am so happy you continue to heal with such an enlightening and helpful practice.

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Feb 4Liked by Leah P

Agreed. I hope each day is a better day for you. Practicing and mastering mindfulness is a great way to make each day better.

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