Feb 29Liked by Leah P

“It’s always something” My friends and I seem to say this quite often. I have osteoporosis and had an infusion of Reclast. I have no reason to think I will be safe from broken bones but I try to be careful. That’s all I feel I can do right now. Good vibes are being sent to you from me!

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I’m currently reading Dr Michael Greger’s book How Not to Age. He has a section on preserving your bones. In addition to the action items you talked about, he mentioned prunes, tomato juice, tomato sauce and almonds are good for bone density. Almonds may help prevent bone loss but not build bones. Prunes help build bones. One of Hong’s workout friends was just diagnosed with osteoporosis Monday. They are planning to do more weight bearing exercise.

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I knew about almonds being a decent source of calcium but not that they weren’t good for building bones. I already eat and love tomato sauce. I can get on board with prunes. I’ve also been enjoying yogurt for calcium, probiotics, protein, and taste! I will check out the book, too.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

I freaking hate how insurance works. Robert is waiting for insurance to "approve" what could be a life saving medication to treat his heart disease. It isn't experimental. They just don't agree with the doctor that it is necessary. WTF? Sorry about the osto. :(

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So backwards that profits seem to be more important than patients. These insurance companies employ teams of medical professionals to reevaluate treatments prescribed by the patient’s own doctor. The insurance company’s doctors cannot possibly understand the cases they evaluate. We’ve caught so many errors. It’s madness. I hope Robert gets the medication he needs.

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Mar 1Liked by Leah P


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